Vinod Kurup

Hospitalist/programmer in search of the meaning of life

Aug 11, 2004 - 1 minute read - Comments - cousins-trip family

Wall of water (link now broken)

The sudden release of water from Ralston Reservoir south of Auburn sent a “wall of water three to four-feet high” down the Middle Fork of the American River, said California Highway Patrol spokesman Tom Marshall.

That’s the river that we rafted down a couple weeks ago during our 5th Annual Cousins Trip. If it had happened during our trip, I still probably would’ve been the first one to fall in.

Comments from old site

Oregon's walls of water

Oregon has its share of huge walls of water. One was 40 feet high, in 1903, and there is a prehistorical record of a 2000 foot wall of water that carved out much of the geological formations now present in the Northwest!

Not trying to outdo you, just thought that was a pretty interesting tidbit.

Jade Rubick 2004-08-10 23:00:13

Wall of water

Cool! Don't worry about outdoing me. I'm sure that someday the rapids that we ran will be about 2000 feet high in my stories to my grandkids :-)

Vinod Kurup 2004-08-11 17:13:58

Queens Half My Summer Racing Results

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