Vinod Kurup

Hospitalist/programmer in search of the meaning of life

Aug 22, 2005 - 1 minute read - Comments - medicine reference hospitalist family

Hospitalist Handbook

If you’re looking for a clear, concise handbook for Hospitalist Medicine, check out the UCSF Hospitalist Handbook, available free online. I’m not sure it’s up-to-date (the copyright notice states 2002), but it still seems relevant and useful. And I’m not just saying that because my cousin Deepu Nair wrote the Night Calls section.

Comments from old site

You read my mind

Vin you read my mind I have been waiting for a handbook on hospitalist medicine, thank you so much. Oh one more thing, Happy 34th, starting to feel older yet?

Andy Drout 2005-08-22 21:08:12


this is a cool site! the wedding was so much fun!!! we can't wait for the whole family to get together like that again!

from sandeep!!! hahaha

Sandeep Nair 2005-09-08 02:48:43

Mmmmm Bacon... New York Marathon Eve

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